Due to the nature of its business activities, the direct impact of the bank and its capital group on the natural environment is limited to the consumption of the natural resources. All entities within the group monitor their resource and engage in strategies to reduce it. The indirect  environmental impact pertrains to the financing provided by the bank to corporate and public entities, and to bank’s product offering.

PKO Bank Polski has adopted ESG metrics and incorporated them into the non-financial objectives of the Bank's Capital Group for the upcoming years. The achievement of these objectives will be verified based on credible and fully measurable data. The bank has committed to reducing its own emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), sourcing over 90% of purchased energy from green-certified sources, and achieving climate naturality in Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030.

In 2023, none of the netitie swithin the capital group undertook projects that could have significantly impacted the environment.

[GRI 307-1] There were no pending administrative proceedings related to violations of the environmental regulations by the group that would result in financial penalties. 

[GRI 302-4] The Bank consistently reduces energy consumption. Total energy consumption for the entire Group decreased by 4.6% compared to 2022, with a reduction of 3.8% for the Bank and an 8.7% decrease for subsidiary companies.

Intensity of energy consumption by the Bank's Group in 2023  [GRI 302-3]







Total energy consumption per employee






Total energy consumption per PLN 1 million assetsMWh/PLN 1 million assets





In 2023, the bank installed 15 photovoltaic installations with a total capacity of 451.78 kWp, estimated to produce 409,373 kWh/year of renewable energy. By the end of 2023, the Bank's facilities had installed 28 micro photovoltaic installations, with 5 units installed at the end of the year not yet operational.

Electricity generated by the Bank's photovoltaic micro-installations (kWh)




In-house production of renewable energy


Consumption of electrity generated in-house



Sale of renewable energy generated by the Bank73,576


The Bank's strategic objective is to achieve climate neutrality by 2030, which entails reducing energy consumption.

The Bank has the following policies: Renewable Energy Sources, High-Carbon Energy Sector, Chemicals-Oil-Gas, Revenue Real Estate, Construction and Building Materials, Car Dealers and CFM Companies, Public Health Care, Trade and Local Authorities.

In addition to the aforementioned policies, the Bank (in the corporate segment) keeps abreast of market developments and trends in various industries/sectors, publishes internal materials (e.g. industry leaflets outlining current market trends) and organises industry meetings. These activities have a direct impact on the high quality of the loan portfolio.


Consumption of natural resources
Sectoral policies
ESG in the lending process