Current reports
Investor's calendar
Investor's calendar
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4-5 September 2024
2024 Global Emerging Markets One-on-One UBS Conference (New York, USA)
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24-26 September 2024
29th Annual Financials CEO Conference 2024, BofA ML (London)
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7 November 2024
Periodic report for the third quarter of 2024
Where is the latest Annual Report of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group?
Latest Annual Report of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group is available here
Where can I find information on the historical financial results of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group?
Historical financial results of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group are available here
When is the next publication of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group's financial results?
Publication dates of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group's quarterly, semi-annual and annual results are available on the Bank’s website at Report No. 1/2024
What is the current consensus for the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group's financial results for the coming years?
Current market consensus regarding expected results of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group for this and next year is available here
Which brokerage houses issue recommendations for PKO Bank Polski S.A. shares?
List of institutions and analysts who prepare reports and issue recommendations for PKO Bank Polski S.A. shares is available here
Does PKO Bank Polski S.A. have an established dividend policy?
Information on PKO Bank Polski S.A. dividend policy is available on the Bank’s website at Shares and dividends - PKO Bank Polski (
Where can I find information about dividends paid by the Bank so far?
Information on dividends paid by PKO Bank Polski S.A. so far is available on the Bank’s website at Shares and dividends - PKO Bank Polski (
Where can I find information on the General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders?
Information on the General Meeting of Shareholders is available on the PKO Bank Polski S.A. website at General meeting - PKO Bank Polski (
What to do to participate in the General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders?
Pursuant to Art. 4061 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, the right to participate in the GM is granted to persons who are the Bank's shareholders 16 days before the date of the GM (Registration Date). An investor who wants to participate in the GM must purchase the company's shares no later than 18 days before the date of the GM, as the settlement of the shares takes place 2 days after the purchase. Then, the shareholder should submit to his brokerage house an appropriate instruction to issue a personal certificate confirming the right to participate in the General Meeting. Applications must be made no later than on the first working day after the Registration Date. Brokerage houses prepare lists of eligible shareholders and submit them to the National Depository for Securities (KDPW).
Where PKO Bank Polski S.A. shares are listed?
PKO Bank Polski S.A. shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
What is the ISIN code and tickers in Reuters and Bloomberg for PKO Bank Polski S.A. shares?
ISIN: PLPKO0000016
Bloomberg: PKO PW
Reuters: PKOB WA
What is the nominal value of one PKO Bank Polski S.A. share?
The nominal value of one PKO Bank Polski S.A. share is PLN 1.
Does the Bank publish a non-financial report discussing ESG-related issues?
The Statement on non-financial information is a part of Group Directors’ Report of PKO Bank Polski S.A. for 2020 and is available on the Bank’s website at Financial results & presentations - PKO Bank Polski (
Does the Bank implement ESG-related initiatives?
Information about key initiatives implemented by the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group is available on the Bank’s website at
How the Bank is assessed in terms of ESG by institutions creating ESG rankings?
Information on the ratings of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group is available on the Bank’s website at ESG ratings (
What is the current shareholding structure of the PKO Bank Polski S.A.?
The shareholding structure of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. is available on the Bank’s website at Shares and dividends - PKO Bank Polski (
Where can I find information about the current strategy of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group?
Information on the current strategy of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group is available on the Bank’s website at Strategy presentation 2023-2025
What are the ratings of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group, issued by rating agencies?
Information on the ratings of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group is available on the Bank’s website at Issuance and ratings - PKO Bank Polski (
Does the Bank have listed bonds?
Information on the bonds issued by the Bank is available on the Bank’s website at Issuance and ratings - PKO Bank Polski (
Who is the Bank's auditor?
The auditor of the Bank is KPMG Audyt Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp. k.
Where can I find information about the Management Board/Supervisory Board of the Bank?
Information about the Bank's authorities can be found on the Bank’s website at Management - PKO Bank Polski (
Who can I contact to obtain information about the PKO Bank Polski S.A. Group's stocks, strategy and financial results?
Contact details for the Investor Relations Office can be found on the PKO Bank Polski S.A. website at Contact for investors - PKO Bank Polski (
Answers to shareholders' questions raised at the Annual General Meeting on 21 June 2023