Report No. 35/2016
Legal basis:
Paragraph 5.1.21 and 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and on the conditions under which such information may be recognized as being equivalent to information required by the regulations of law of a state which is not a member state (“Regulation”)
The report:
The Management Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A. (“Bank”) hereby informs that on 30 June 2016, pursuant to Art. 385 §1 of the Commercial Companies Code, the Bank’s Annual General Meeting dismissed the members of the Bank Supervisory Board Ms. Agnieszka Winnik-Kalemba and Ms. Małgorzta Dec-Kruczkowska.
The Management Board of the Bank hereby informs that the Bank’s Annual General Meeting convened for 30 June 2016 - pursuant to Art. 385§1 of the Commercial Companies Code – appointed Ms. Grażyna Ciurzyńska and Mr. Zbigniew Hajłasz as the members of the Bank’s Supervisory Board.
The State Treasury as the Authorised Shareholder, pursuant to paragraph 12.1 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, appointed Ms. Grażyna Ciurzyńska - for the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
The following information about the appointed Supervisory Board members:
Grażyna Ciurzyńska
Ms Grażyna Ciurzyńska graduated from the Foreign Trade Department of the Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw and the Post-graduate Studies in European Banking Law of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She started her career in 1991 in the government administration in the Ministry of Ownership Transformations.
Since 1996, for 20 years she has been working within the banking sector. She held managerial positions in the area of corporate business of the bank PBK S.A. (currently Bank BPH S.A.) and Kredyt Bank S.A, supervising among others the cooperation with strategic clients and development of the enterprise financing programmes. Next, as a director in the retail area of Bank BGŻ S.A., she was responsible for creation of the retail activity strategy, sales and pricing policy, bancassurance development, sales network management, designing and implementing products. She also served as an advisor to the President of the Management Board of the Bank.
Since 2007 she has been working within the banking payments and cards market. As a director of the department at Bank BGŻ S.A., and then at BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A., she was responsible for the card activity area, cooperation with international payment organisations and providers of card technologies and services.
Moreover, she was the member of Prezydium Rady Wydawców Kart Bankowych [Presidium of the Council of Banking Card Issuers], and earlier the Presidium of the Council of Cash Management at the Polish Bank Association.
For more than 15 years she was involved in teaching and research activity in the Warsaw School of Economics at the Institute of International Economic Relations.
Currently, she is the Director of the Large Investment Support Department in the Ministry of Development, coordinating the investment policy, supervising the cooperation with Polish and foreign investors and financial institutions.
Zbigniew Hajłasz
Mr Zbigniew Hajłasz is a practician and consultant in the field of development and research. He has more than 20 years of experience in management of commercial companies, and as an analyst and practician in the field of planning, management and development of financial institutions, industrial restructuring, privatisation and international undertakings.
Scientific degrees: MPhil in Economics (London University, 2002) and M.Sc. Eng. [mgr inż.] in Mathematics (Wrocław University of Technology, 1982).
In 1993-96 and since 2005 – academic lecturer (Wrocław University of Technology, University of Wrocław, the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław), since August 2011 – President of the Management Board of Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej sp. z o.o. in Św. Katarzyna (laureate of the Business Gazzele [Gazela Biznesu] ranking in 2015 and 2016); since January 2016 – Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Polskie Radio SA.
He has held among others the following functions: Director of the Economic Development Department, The Voivodeship Office in Wrocław (1991-1993); Director of the Regional Privatisation Office of the Bank BWP SA (1994-1996), Vice-President of the Management Board of Wrocławska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA – Managing Director, President of the Management Board of PRW SA in Wrocław, President of the Management Board of TBS sp. z o.o. in Głogów, Director of the OPDRO Project Coordination Office.
He was the member of the Supervisory Boards of the state-owned companies and the companies with the participation of the territorial government units, among others Dolnośląskie Konsorcjum Handlowo Finansowe SA in Wrocław, Polskie Radio Wrocław SA in Wrocław, TBS sp. z o.o. in Lubin (the best TBS in Poland in the BGK’s ranking), Siechnicka Inwestycyjna Spółka Komunalna sp. z o.o., Polskie Radio SA.
The author of expert opinions for the Sejm and Government of the Republic of Poland and for financial institutions.
Moreover, the Management Board of the Bank hereby informs that according to the submitted statements none of the appointed persons conducts:
- any business competitive to the business of the Bank;
- participates in any business competitive in respect of the Bank as a partner in a partnership;
- is a member of a governing body of a company competing with the Bank or a member of any other governing body of legal person competing with the Bank;
- is registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors.
Contact for Investors
Dariusz Choryło
Director of Investor Relations
Investor Relations Department