Report No. 16/2024
Legal basis:
Article 17.1 MAR Regulation
The Report:
With reference to the report No. 14/2024, the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A. („the Bank”) informs that on 26 February 2024 it received the additional explanation from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority („PFSA”) in which the PFSA presented the position that the amount of the interim dividend, paid out from the portion of the profit earned in 2022 allocated to the reserve capital created for dividend payment (including interim dividends) may not reduce the amount indicated in the PFSA's position as reported by the Bank in the report No. 14/2024.
As a result, the Bank fulfils the criteria for the payment of dividend up to 75% of the profit for 2023, without decreasing this amount by the amount of the paid, interim dividend (PLN 1,600,000,000) whereby the maximum amount of payment may not exceed the amount of the annual profit less the profit generated in 2023 already counted as own funds (in the amount of PLN 1,624,430,283 at standalone level and PLN 1,697,253,857 at consolidated level).
Contact for Investors
Dariusz Choryło
Director of Investor Relations
Investor Relations Department