Report No. 17/2023

22.06.2023 10:40
Cost of the three years senior preferred bonds issue with a total nominal value of EUR 750,000,000 under the EMTN Programme

Legal basis:

Paragraph 16 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on 29 March 2018 on the current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and the conditions for considering as equivalent the information required by law of a non-member state

the Report:

With regard to the report No. 3/2023, the Management Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A. (“Bank”) informs as follows:

1. The total costs which were included in the issuance costs divided into the following categories:

a) costs of preparing and conducting the offer: PLN 9.40 mn,

b) costs of remuneration of underwriters: N/A,

c) costs of promotion: PLN 32.92 ths.,

d) costs of prospectus and supplement preparation including advisory costs: PLN 1.47 mn (the cost of preparation of the debt instruments programme prospectus; the prospectus is the basis for multiple issuances of debt instruments across the European Union and outside the EU).

Total expenses mentioned above paid for subscriptions of bonds amounted to PLN 10.90 mn gross (VAT included).

2. Cost recognition in the accounting records and financial statement of the issuer is as follows:

Expenses related to the preparation of the prospectus and the remaining expenses incurred related to the bond offer were settled over time - for a period of twelve months from the date of acceptance of the prospectus by the CSSF (part of the costs listed in letter d) or for the life of the bond issued (letters a, b, c and part of the costs listed in letter d), except for the costs of supplementing the prospectus, part of the costs of legal advice relating to the preparation of the prospectus and commission for the acceptance of the Programme for the issuing agent, which have been recognized once in the income statement.

3. The average cost of subscription per one subscribed bond: PLN 1,452.95.

It should be noted that the above average cost does not include the cost of preparing the prospectus as this item applies to all bond offers carried out under the EMTN Program. If such a cost was included, the average cost of subscription per one subscribed bond would amount to PLN 1,461.9.

Contact for Investors

Dariusz Choryło

Director of Investor Relations

Investor Relations Department