Report No. 18/2022
08.08.2022 18:24
Adopting the resolution on the establishment of the EMTN Programme by PKO Bank Polski S.A.
Legal basis:
Article 17.1 MAR Regulation – confidential information
The report:
The Management Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A. (the “Bank”) hereby informs that on 8 August 2022 it adopted a resolution on the establishment of the eurobonds issuance programme by the Bank as the issuer (Euro Medium Term Notes programme - the “EMTN Programme”).
The EMTN Programme shall be established on the following terms:
- the EMTN Programme amount: maximum EUR 4,000,000,000,
- under the EMTN Programme it will be possible to issue unsecured eurobonds in any currency, including such, the liabilities of which may be included in the Bank's eligible liabilities or in the Bank's own funds,
- the EMTN Programme shall be established under the Regulation S,
- the Bank may apply for admission of individual series of eurobonds to trading on a regulated market operated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Warsaw Stock Exchange or another market selected by the Bank (excluding USA),
- the eurobonds will be registered in the International Central Securities Depository (ICSD) operated by Euroclear Bank SA/NV or Clearstream Banking société anonyme,
- the Bank shall apply to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in Luxembourg for approval of the prospectus for the EMTN Programme,
- the Bank will apply for a rating to be given to the EMTN Programme by the Moody's credit rating agency.
The Bank also decided to close the EMTN Programme, established in 2017, about which it informed in the report No. 17/2017.
Contact for Investors
Dariusz Choryło
Director of Investor Relations
Investor Relations Department