Report No. 27/2021

30.06.2021 19:09
PFSA’s letter about an additional add-on related to the Bank’s sensitivity to an adverse macroeconomic scenario

Legal basis:

Article 17.1 MAR Regulation

Contents of the Report:

The Management Board of PKO Bank Polski S.A. (“Bank”) hereby informs that on the 30 of June 2021 it received a letter from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (“PFSA”) specifying the dividend policy criteria for commercial banks in the second half of 2021. The criteria are identical to those published on the 24 of June 2021 in the PFSA Supervisory Body’s statement regarding the dividend policy criteria for commercial banks in the second half of 2021.

Furthermore, PFSA informed in the letter about the level of an additional add-on related to the Bank’s sensitivity to an adverse macroeconomic scenario equal to 0.46 pp. (without taking into account any issues of T1 and T2 capital 0.95 pp.)

The above-mentioned add-on, as determined by the PFSA in December 2019, was equal to 0.10 pp.

Contact for Investors

Dariusz Choryło

Director of Investor Relations

Investor Relations Department