Report No. 39/2022

16.12.2022 17:07
Moody’s rating for the Euro Medium Term Note Programme of the PKO Bank Polski S.A. (the EMTN Programme)

Legal basis:

Article 17(1) of the MAR 

The report:

Further to the Report No. 18/2022 on the establishment of the eurobonds issuance programme by the PKO Bank Polski S.A. (“Bank”) as the issuer (Euro Medium Term Notes programme - the “EMTN Programme”), the Management Board of the Bank hereby informs that on 16 December 2022 the Moody’s Investors Service assigned (P)Baa3 rating for the EMTN Programme under which they may be issued unsecured eurobonds as Senior Non Preferred.

The (P)Baa3 rating assigned to the EMTN Programme, under which unsecured eurobonds may be issued as Senior Non Preferred reflects the Bank's baa2 standalone Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA) and Adjusted BCA while incorporating one negative notch following the application of Moody's Advanced Loss Given Failure (LGF) analysis.

All other ratings and assessments remain unaffected by today's rating action.

Link to Moody's Investors Service press release here:

Contact for Investors

Dariusz Choryło

Director of Investor Relations

Investor Relations Department