
In the iPKO biznes mobile app you will order an Express Elixir domestic instant transfer. This is the third type of transfer available on your phone - next to domestic Elixir transfer and transfer to your own account.  aplikacja iPKO biznes

Users who have permission to perform such operations on the iPKO biznes website can order transfers in the mobile application. To use the new function, update (or install) the latest version of the iPKO biznes mobile application on your phone.

Transfers in the iPKO biznes mobile app

  • in the application you can order two types of transfers: domestic and on your own account
  • you can also order a domestic instant transfer (Express Elixir)
  • you need permission to create and sign transactions - common for the iPKO biznes application and for website
  • you can make them in PLN, and in foreign currencies only to the company's own accounts in our bank
  • PLN 100,000 – this is the maximum amount of a single external transfer (to the contractor/supplier). Also remember that transfers in the application reduce the daily limit for your company, which was set in the iPKO biznes website.
  • the transfer will be authorized immediately and cannot be saved for later authorization

More about iPKO biznes mobile app

In the upcoming months, following features will be added to transfers in the iPKO biznes mobile app:

  • ordering domestic transfers to predefined Counterparties (choose from the list) and trusted Counterparties,
  • introducing dedicated transactional limits (daily/weekly/monthly) for iPKO Biznes mobile app transfers.

More about mobile authorization in the iPKO biznes